@zoglesby True dat. Or...leave your phone at home and just bring a burner phone ;)

@SteveSawczyn I'm a YNABer. I think I've been using YNAB since its inception. It's been a fun journey for me and their budgeting app has helped transformed my relationship with money.

@cygnoir That is awesome that 99.99% of your vacation was dedicated to you and no work. Congrats! It's a hard thing to achieve.

@dancohen Awesome. Thanks for the resource. I will let you know how it goes when it happens.

@rom Have you seen Social Dilemma on Netflix? Are the ideas about FB similar?

@vincent They make white boards for showers for that purpose. I almost bought one because I tend to get ideas in the shower too. But I said nah, I'll write em down when I get out.

@dancohen Nice. Do you have any resources to pass along for beginners like me? Website tutorials or books?

@duckrowing It was a lot of fun. The fire lady was great. Jousting was awesome. And of course, the fried dough was amazing. This upcoming weekend is the last weekend.

@dancohen Any one or two pieces of advice that you learned for aspiring wine makers?

@vincent Awesome 😎. What is that going to look like?

@danielpunkass Totally get what you're saying. I've struggled with imposter syndrome. I recently wrote a short post about: microblog.nickpfennigwerth.com/2021/07/1...

@pimoore Yes, that is what I'm experiencing. I wiped my windows pc clean and installed Ubuntu bc I think windows is awful. But I think I might go back to Apple because Linux and my workflow are incompatible.

@AndyNicolaides @pimoore I wish these awesome apps were on Linux and android. bummer

@Cheri There's also an excellent docu drama called Social Dilemma on Netflix.

@Cheri I enjoyed your article, thank you. The best time of my life was when I broke my smart phone and decided not to replace it. I was mobile phone-less for two years. That meant no on demand Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or texting. You could only reach me by land line. Maybe I should break my …

@yorrike When will it be ready? I will help you drink it ;)

@manton Excellent news! Looking forward to it! I love Gluon.

@holliston Awesome! Welcome. I'm in York, ME. Next to Portsmouth.

@joshuapsteele You got it! Best of luck

@joshuapsteele The Power of Now was my foundational book. Here are two other ones from the zen tradition: 1) Appreciate Your Life, by Taizan Maezumi Roshi; 2) Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind, by Shunryu Suzuki

@pimoore I hope others chime in with tips. I bookmarked this thread. I'm considering vegan.

@pimoore Thanks! I like reviewing the previous day idea. I will give that a shot tomorrow.

@sp awesome 😎. I have camped and climbed Katahdin a few times. Beautiful place.

@cm @agilelisa I don't yet. I'm new to the community. I will keep my eyes and ears open 🙂

@agilelisa @cm Not far at all. It would be great to meet up. Let's check in at the end of the month about this. I set a reminder to myself.