As a follow up to the last post, another interesting way for relating to time is from the perspective of a good coach. What would that look like?

We first have to define the qualities of a good coach. Good coaches love what they do. They’re passionate about their field of work and want to make a difference for others. A coach’s main focus is to help their students grow and push them outside of their comfort zone.

Good coaches have excellent listening skills. They have the ability to connect with their students, help them see new pathways to their goals, and motivate them into action.

Good coaches are always learning about their craft. They are researching, applying the information, and growing. Good coaches are on top of their game and the best at what they do; by being the best, they can help their students grow and become the best at their endeavour.

How is “time as a coach” a valuable perspective to adopt? If time is a coach, then you could say that time is always on your side and supporting you. Time wants the best for you, so time will always be in your favor if you let it.

Time as a coach is teaching you valuable lessons about life. When you make a mistake, it’s not a failure because time wants you to succeed. Therefore, time is showing you what needs to be learned for your growth and development.

The main point to grasp is that when time is viewed as a coach, you are supported by time and it’s always working in your favor. Time and life are one in the same. Life loves to grow and manifest. When time is your coach, time is pushing you to consciously grow and be the best version of yourself.