What is the root cause of scarcity?

Scarcity surfaces differently for each of us. Much of my past scarcity was around money. For others, I have seen scarcity manifest in their creative work, relationships, health and body, career, religion, and spiritual practice.

Scarcity generally feels like there’s not enough of something or has a victim based mindset. Here are some examples of scarcity based thinking:

  • “I don’t have enough time.”
  • “I don’t have enough money.”
  • “I’m less of a person because I’m in debt.”
  • “I’m a starving artist.”
  • “Nobody loves me.”
  • “I’m meant to be alone in this world.”
  • “I’m fat.”
  • “I’m pathetic.”
  • “I’m not good enough.”
  • “Change is difficult.”

How do you overcome scarcity? The common answer is that anytime there’s a void we must fill it in. For example, if you don’t have enough money, go earn more. If nobody loves you, go out dating and find love. If you don’t have enough time, go find an organizational system.

It never works, however - unless there’s some kind of inner transformation during the process. Accumulating more only covers the surface of scarcity, like putting mulch on a weed bed. Eventually, the weeds will spring back up. You need to find the root of scarcity and remove it for good.

The root cause of scarcity is a lack of trust in Life. The more disconnected you are with Life, the further away from abundance you are. You have to learn how to give up control and lean into what life wants for you. When you trust life, and really believe that you will be okay, life will back you up and always be abundant. I call this Great Faith.

Great Faith is not something you do, it’s something you are. Great Faith is being intimate with this moment and appreciating your life. There’s nothing outside of you that can fill that void of scarcity. You must trust in life and have this inner knowing that you are okay - that you are already abundant.

If you want to conquer scarcity, go on an inner quest of cultivating Great Faith in life.