The etymology of wealth is well-being, but we have strayed from that meaning. Wealth has twisted into the pursuit of money and possessions. As a result, we have replaced the qualities that make us whole—community, love, integrity, joy, autonomy, and safety—with money and status.
For example, I …
A Money Mindset is a Delusional Mindset
A money mindset is a capitalist mindset—it puts profits over people. A money mindset is responsible for wealth inequality and classism. A money mindset contributes to and perpetuates racism, white privilege, and misogyny.
Our society inflates the usefulness of money. It becomes an idol and the end …
If You’re Not Growing, You’re Dying. False. That was a trendy self-help, cultist saying that gained popularity after The Secret came out and everybody drank the kool-aid. In my opinion, this statement is kind of… dreadful.
It’s dreadful because this statement suggests that if you’re not working on …
Quit Your Job and Go All in on Your Dreams
Hold up! In my experience, this has been terrible advice.
I have seen coaches and “online entrepreneurs” give this kind of advice to many people. Usually, the rationale is that you only live once and you can’t let the music die inside you. As such, you must go all in with your passions and become …
Is Conscious Capitalism Possible?
I have seen the idea float around that “conscious capitalism” could be a more fair and equitable economic system for society.
In my opinion, nope—there is no such thing as conscious capitalism.
“Conscious” and “capitalism” literally cannot go together. Capitalism is destructive by its nature. This …