I have seen the idea float around that “conscious capitalism” could be a more fair and equitable economic system for society.

In my opinion, nope—there is no such thing as conscious capitalism.

“Conscious” and “capitalism” literally cannot go together. Capitalism is destructive by its nature. This hate machine puts profits over people, destroys ecosystems, creates poverty and income inequality, hoarders and walls off resources, and is the fuel for racism, misogyny, and white supremacy.

If the people and systems upholding capitalism were truly conscious about the destruction caused by it, there would be a full stop. Because how can a conscious person inflict pain and trauma on someone just for his profit and power? Not possible. You can be conscious of capitalism’s destructive nature, but you cannot change the intent of capitalism.

If we want a more loving and inclusive society, our personal development journey must examine our role in upholding capitalism and the systems of oppression. We must also include our impact on climate change and how we participate in ecological destruction.

Once we discover those truths, both personally and collectively, we can turn our backs on the hate and move towards a more beautiful world.